Alex is a communication researcher who explores the ways messaging can be used to influence health behavior change.
Alex is a health communication researcher and a member of the Social Data Collaboratory at NORC. Alex is a mixed-method researcher at the intersection of health communication and media effects and is passionate about implementing behavior change theories in health communication interventions aimed at improving outcomes related to opioid use disorder, youth mental health, and substance use. His first-authored peer-reviewed research on the subject has been published in JAMA Pediatrics, Health Communication, and the Journal of Health Communication, and Social Media + Society and received media coverage in The New York Times and U.S. News & World Report.
As a key member of Sherry Emery's Social Data Collaboratory, Alex leads innovative work in health communication research, with a focus on substance use disorders, youth mental health, and social media influence in public health spaces. His research portfolio encompasses diverse areas including opioid use disorder, youth mental health, and health equity. Alex has made significant contributions to the Justice Community Innovation Network (JCOIN), investigating the impact of partisan media consumption on opioid stigma and policy support, as well as exploring the protective potential of opioid knowledge against opioid use disorder blame. His recent substance use work also includes research on public perceptions of opioid misuse recovery. His work in emerging areas such as gambling and social media influence showcases his commitment to addressing pressing public health challenges through novel approaches and technologies.
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Georgia
Cornell University
Honors & Awards
Roy H. Park Doctoral Fellow | 2018
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Presidential Scholar | 2004 - 2005
University of Georgia
Lambda Pi Eta Honors Communication Fraternity | 2007
Cornell University
Appointments & Affiliations
Peer Reviewer
Journal of Health Communication
Peer Reviewer
Health Communication
Peer Reviewer
Nicotine & Tobacco Research
Peer Reviewer
Psychology of Popular Media
Child Labor in Cocoa Production in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana
Visual Brief
Many Middle-Income Seniors Won’t Be Able to Pay for Housing in 10 Years
NORC Article
Tempe PRE: Insights into a New Publicly Funded Preschool Program
Visual Brief
Dementia DataHub: Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias
Drug Overdose Deaths in Appalachia
Identifying Best Practices in Social Determinants of Health and Senior Care
Entrepreneurship in the Population: Entrepreneurial Activities by State
opens in new tab"Netherlands", in Education at a Glance 2016: OECD Indicators