Christian Denes

Christian brings two decades of policy and performance improvement experience in the government and non-profit sectors to NORC.
As director of strategic planning & impact at the City of Chicago’s human services department, Christian led a comprehensive change management initiative to build processes, tools, and practices among staff and grantees dedicated to data-informed decision-making and continuous improvement. Some of these included supporting staff in identifying key metrics, developing performance dashboards, and drawing insights from data; using logic models and learning agendas to lead thoughtful program design, and launching a department data governance structure. This work contributed to Chicago’s first What Works Cities Certification.
Christian also oversaw the policy unit responsible for advancing local, state, and federal legislative priorities and for developing and implementing numerous initiatives with foundation and non-profit stakeholders. Some examples of these included co-designing Chicago’s Monthly Cash Assistance Pilot and its evaluation; advocating for, designing, and implementing the City’s first farmers’ market EBT program while drafting parallel state legislation; and revamping a rental assistance program to increase applications from priority populations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a senior policy analyst at Chapin Hall, Christian co-led a research-practice partnership that provided nonprofit and public agencies with data-driven insight into how youth are engaging with their programs and other systems. He also provided technical assistance—including best practice and policy research, recommendations, and implementation support—to the Cook County Office of the Chief Judge on a juvenile detention reform initiative.
Christian began his career as an elementary school teacher and youth development practitioner.
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Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
Brown University
Appointments & Affiliations
Civic Leadership Academy, University of Chicago, 2021
Honors & Awards
Dean’s Fellowship Award | 2002
Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs