Christopher (Chris) has more than 30 years of experience in survey methodology and public health. His expertise in sample design encompasses frame choice and construction, sample size calculations for precision requirements, stratification and clustering, and sample allocation. He has developed survey weights, calculating design weights for probability samples, nonresponse adjustment factors, and post-stratification, raking, and calibration adjustments.
Chris has worked on many analyses of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Immunization Survey data, including detailed tabulations of results from the NIS-Child and NIS-Teen surveys, which form the basis of CDC’s annual surveillance results for these two systems used to monitor prevalence and trends in immunization among young children and teens. He has conducted annual evaluations of Total Survey Error for the NIS-Flu survey that provides annual estimates of seasonal flu vaccination among children and teens from six months to 18 years of age. Johnson was also the lead statistician for the CDC’s Community-Based Survey of Supports for Healthy Eating and Active Living (CBS HEAL), a national survey of municipal governments and their policies and practices. For this survey he handled frame construction, sample selection, weighting, and estimation.
Before joining NORC, Chris had an accomplished career as a statistician with the federal government, working closely with epidemiologists, behavioral scientists, and medical officers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He served as supervisor of a team of statisticians and data managers and as the lead statistician for some of CDC’s flagship surveillance systems in maternal and child health (PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, a state-based survey of women with a recent birth) and HIV/AIDS (MMP, the Medical Monitoring Project, a stratified, multi-stage survey of people living with HIV). His teaching experience ranges from semester-long introductory statistics courses for undergraduates to statistical software labs for MPH graduate students to day-long short courses in the specialty of Total Survey Error.
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Florida State University
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill