Her primary area of expertise is in survey development, PreK-12 and post-secondary multi-mode longitudinal and cross-sectional projects, and multi-mode qualitative and quantitative data-collection methods. The latter include computer-assisted telephone interviewing, computer-assisted personal interviewing, pen-and-paper personal Interviewing, and web-based interviewing.
Cynthia has overseen a range of large- and small-scale research and evaluation efforts, successfully applying a variety of research methods and non-response mitigation strategies to achieve desired response rates. Under subcontracts to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), and funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences, Cynthia currently serves as the NORC project director for the Comprehensive Literacy Program Evaluation, National Evaluation of Title III, and the National Study of Special Education Spending Foundational Phase. Rounding out Cynthia's portfolio, she serves as the project manager for the Innovations in Sexual Assault Preventions Pilot Program Evaluation, and the Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance Center project, both funded by the Department of Defense.
Cynthia has made significant contributions to a number of other NORC projects such as the High School Experience Survey, Delaware COVID-19 Contact Tracing Project, National Education and Attainment Survey, the Impact of Comprehensive Support and Improvement Designation in Multiple Measure ESSA Accountability Systems study, School Effectiveness in Indiana study, School Improvement Status and Outcomes for Students with Disabilities Study, the National Longitudinal Study of No Child Left Behind, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Cohort, the Survey of Earned Doctorates, and the Survey of Doctorate Recipients.
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Project Contributions
"Methods for Improving Questionnaires: Best Practices for Conducting Cognitive Interviews and Pilot Studies."
Chapter | September 15, 2021
opens in new tab"Cognitive Interviewing and Pilot Studies," in Basic Elements of Survey Research in Education: Addressing the Problems Your Advisor Never Told You About."
Book | January 1, 2021
opens in new tab"Characteristics, Quality, and Outcomes from Nontraditional Workforce Training Programs: Results from the Survey of Educational Attainment."
Report | December 21, 2020
opens in new tab"Workforce Training: Measurement, Prevalence, and Impact on the US Workforce."
Presentation | November 13, 2020
opens in new tab"Postsecondary Characteristics and Credentials of Retirement-Aged Employees."
Working Paper | November 30, 2019
opens in new tab"Findings from the National Education and Employment Survey: Wave 1 and Wave 2."
Report | April 13, 2017
opens in new tab"District Recruitment for School-Based Studies."
Presentation | April 11, 2017
opens in new tab"Findings from the National Education and Employment Survey."
Report | September 2, 2016