David Gleicher

David Gleicher is a Research Methodologist in the Methodology and Quantitative Social Sciences department at NORC at the University of Chicago. David works on methods for improving survey instruments, focusing on questionnaire design and review and cognitive testing through one-on-one interviews. These methods have been used to improve the accuracy of reporting on a wide variety of projects and initiatives, including those related to banking, business credit, workplace agency, and the opinions of religious leaders, among others.
David has worked as a methodologist on survey design, questionnaire development, and cognitive testing efforts for projects from many types of clients, including federal, educational, and other not-for-profit clients. He led cognitive testing efforts for the National Survey of Religious Leaders. He has conducted cognitive testing for several workforce and economy-related projects – the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Small Business Credit Survey, the FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households, and the MIT Worker Voice Study. He has also conducted cognitive and usability testing for the Bureau of Labor statistics to improve the accuracy of reporting of workplace illnesses and injuries. He has conducted user testing for the American Time Use Survey, also for the BLS, in order to facilitate the addition of a web-administered mode for this survey.
David has presented on topics related to survey methodology at professional conferences, including the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research conferences.
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University of Illinois at Chicago
Grinnell College