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Erin Colligan

Pronouns: She/Her

Senior Research Scientist
Erin is a mixed-methods researcher with nearly two decades of experience spanning the fields of policy analysis and health services research.

Erin is a senior research scientist who is particularly skilled in synthesizing qualitative and quantitative results and communicating findings to a wide range of audiences. Erin applies these skills at NORC by leading reports on evaluation and policy analysis. 

Erin serves as the reports lead on the evaluations of the ACO REACH, Next Generation ACO, and Vermont All-Payer Models for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. She also leads environmental scans, cross-cutting evaluations, policy analyses, and key informant interviews on various projects for the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation. Erin’s other work at NORC includes advising on the design of a comprehensive database of community-level social determinants of health indicators and contributing to business development efforts.

Prior to joining NORC, Erin spent nine years at Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) overseeing mixed-methods evaluations to assess the impact of CMMI models. In this role, Erin managed the design and writing of evaluation reports and presented evaluation results to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) leaders and policy decision-makers. She also conducted independent research on frequent emergency department use and preventive service use among Medicare beneficiaries. Erin received a CMS Honor Award, an Operational Excellence Award, and an Administrator’s Special Citation Award for her contributions to CMMI models and process improvement workgroups.

Project Contributions

Evaluation of the Vermont All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model

Evaluating Vermont’s efforts to improve health outcomes and reduce health care spending


Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Evaluation of the ACO REACH Model

Evaluating the ACO REACH model that is transitioning Medicare from fee-for-service to value-based care


Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
