Felicia has 30 years of experience in all forms of data collection, research design and implementation, and client support and consultation. Projects have included large scale multimode data collections for many Federal agencies including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Food and Drug Administration, and the National Institutes of Health with field, phone, and web instrumentation as well as data preparation, integration, and analysis using traditional statistical and data science tools. It also includes leading a variety of digital data dissemination projects that include dynamic data analysis tools and mapping in addition to metadata exploration and data export. She has led a variety of large and small teams comprised of statisticians, data scientists, IT professionals, and research support staff and subcontractors to accomplish these tasks.
Felicia is the project director for both the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey, which is an annual survey of Medicare Beneficiary which gathers information about health care use and costs, and the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, which is a family of healthcare databases and related software tools and products developed through a Federal-State-Industry partnership and sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
Prior to joining NORC, Felicia served as data center director on three large grants funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) on child abuse and neglect among minority teen parents. She designed the data collection, data management, and dissemination of nearly 80 data collection activities across six sites in the United States. She also was a co-investigator of an effort spearheaded by the University of Minnesota to harmonize and disseminate the National Health Interview Survey from 1969 through the present day. In 2005, APD Felicia joined the research faculty of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, where she headed three data archives for the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). The data archives included Data Sharing for Demographic Research (DSDR) funded by NICHD, the National Addiction and HIV Data Archive Program (NAHDAP) funded by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and the Research Center for Minority Data (RCMD) funded by the University of Michigan.
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The Pennsylvania State University
The Pennsylvania State University
University of Minnesota
Mount Holyoke College
Project Contributions
Felicia LeClere Honored with NORC’s Norman Bradburn Career Achievement Award
Press Release | December 18, 2023
"Disclosure Standards for Social Media and Generative Artificial Intelligence Research: Toward Transparency and Replicability."
Journal Article | January 1, 2023
First Survey on Medicare Beneficiaries’ Views on COVID-19 Vaccines Finds Majority Willing to Get Vaccinated, yet Key Groups—Blacks, Hispanics, Women, and Smokers—Less Likely
Press Release | February 8, 2021
opens in new tab"Web Surveying Design and Implementation."
September 18, 2019
opens in new tab"To Big Data or Not: Determining the Use of Big Data."
Report | November 30, 2018
"Using Administrative Data Proactively to Aid in Data Collection for New Respondent Panels for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey."
Journal Article | August 30, 2017
opens in new tab"Efficiency Improvements in Multi-Mode ABS Studies: Modeling Initial Mode Decisions."
Working Paper | October 30, 2014
opens in new tab"Improving the Utility of the DSF Address-Based Frame through Ancillary Information."
January 8, 2014