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Racial Equity and Justice Initiative

Developing an interactive mapping tool of Illinois organizations advancing racial equity
  • Client
    The Ad Council
  • Dates
    May 2022-September 2022


There is no clear view of organizations with programs and policies that promote racial equity in Illinois.  

Illinois lacks a comprehensive database of organizations working to advance racial equity within the state. We do not have a clear understanding of how many organizations in Illinois are engaged in racial equity work, how many policies or programs exist within these organizations, and which equity areas or industries their racial equity work addresses. This can lead to a fragmented social impact sector wherein organizations seeking to advance racial equity along similar dimensions may be unaware of each other’s work and unable to form partnerships and/or unify their efforts. 


NORC is building a database and interactive mapping tool of organizations doing racial equity work in Illinois.

The Center on Equity Research at NORC has partnered with Forefront to populate a database and develop an interactive mapping tool listing organizations doing racial equity work in Illinois. The overall goal of this partnership is to improve the awareness of organizations working to advance racial equity in Illinois. The mapping tool will improve the assembling, organizing, and coordinating racial equity work across the Illinois social impact sector, and support strategic planning by Forefront’s Racial Equity Collective. 

The map will include each organization’s name, address, and general information. It will also provide details on organizations’ racial equity programs and policies, and the equity areas and industries that align with the racial equity work of each program/policy.   

To date, nearly 200 organizations agreed to appear on the Racial Equity Collective Map and provided details about their organizations and their racial equity work. Forefront and NORC have identified over 600 racial equity programs in over 20 industries and equity areas, and over 250 racial equity policies in over 18 industries and equity areas.  


NORC is using the findings from a statewide survey to design and populate a new interactive map on Forefront’s website.

The 2023 Racial Equity Collective Mapping Survey of Illinois nonprofits, grantmakers, and individuals found 800+ programs and policies across Illinois. Most respondents were operating nonprofits. Nearly half of the respondents were small organizations led and/or staffed by people who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latino/a/e/x or other People of Color (BILPOC).Sixty percent of survey respondents sought to address systemic inequities through direct services. Many organizations also sought to address attitudes and cultural perceptions of racism and racial inequities through arts and culture. Most survey participants were based in and/or serve northern Illinois.  

Results from this survey, including descriptions of racial equity programs and policies, will appear on the Racial Equity Map. to be released to the public by October 5, 2023.  

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Racial Equity and Justice Initiative

Developing an interactive mapping tool of Illinois organizations advancing racial equity.

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Data & Findings

Racial Equity and Justice Initiative

Developing an interactive mapping tool of Illinois organizations advancing racial equity.

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