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Rural New York Mental Health Listening Tour

A mental health listening tour of 16 rural counties in New York State
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    March 2020 - September 2021


Rural areas of New York are disproportionately impacted by suicide

The suicide rate in rural New York is significantly greater than in urban New York (15.2 vs. 7.5/100,000) and is increasing at a significantly greater rate (83.1 percent vs. 27.9 percent between 2004 and 2020). In fact, the suicide rate increased 17 percent in rural areas of the state between 2019 and 2020 alone. 

Reasons why rural areas are disproportionately impacted by suicide are well known – lack of services and resources, economic disadvantage, gun ownership, low service utilization, long travel distances, lack of transportation, and heightened stigma surrounding the use of mental health services – yet they have not been effectively addressed to lower the suicide rate. Input and feedback from those who live and work in rural areas are needed to better understand how to develop and implement a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention tailored to rural communities.


NORC conducted a mental health listening tour with rural New York professionals and residents 

NORC conducted 32 listening sessions in 16 rural counties in New York State between March 2020 and September 2021; 289 individuals participated. We held separate listening sessions with professionals who have a role in the mental health of the community (e.g., health and behavioral health directors and providers, law enforcement, first responders, clergy, school personnel, local government staff and officials, and suicide prevention coalition members) and county residents 18 years of age and older. We conducted a thematic analysis of all transcripts to code content and identify themes.


Produced a comprehensive set of actionable recommendations with input from rural professionals and residents

Results from the listening tour identified community-specific strengths, assets, and challenges and suggested the need for a tailored, community-specific approach to suicide prevention. Results also highlighted strengths, assets, and innovative approaches implemented within communities. Actionable recommendations focus on education, training, peer supports, health care service deliver, system navigation, and adjustment to funding and regulatory approaches. Results can be used by counties, communities, New York State, and other states to inform suicide prevention efforts in rural areas.

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Senior Research Scientist

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Rural New York Mental Health Listening Tour

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Data & Findings

“In our conversations with almost 300 rural residents, we learned how each community is unique, suggesting the need for a targeted, community-specific approach to suicide prevention that is driven by the voice of its residents. This ‘nothing for us without us approach’ was critical in helping us develop actionable recommendations for improving mental health services, resources, and supports in rural communities.”

Senior Research Scientist

“In our conversations with almost 300 rural residents, we learned how each community is unique, suggesting the need for a targeted, community-specific approach to suicide prevention that is driven by the voice of its residents. This ‘nothing for us without us approach’ was critical in helping us develop actionable recommendations for improving mental health services, resources, and supports in rural communities.”

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