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Test Project Emily

Older man taking medicine
Using geospatial analysis to help guarantee prescription drug access for Medicare recipients
  • Client
    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  • Dates
    October 2019 – Present


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services wants to ensure its provider networks adequately serve their beneficiaries.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) makes partially capitated payments to private insurers, also known as Part D sponsors, for delivering prescription drug benefits to Medicare beneficiaries. In order to receive these payments, Part D sponsors need to meet access standards set by CMS. By setting these standards, CMS helps ensure the availability of prescription drugs to seniors.

These access standards set a percentage of Medicare beneficiaries that need to be within a given distance bandwidth of the pharmacies within a Part D network. The standards vary by urbanicity, and whether a Part D sponsor’s pharmacy network contains preferred cost share pharmacies.


NORC conducts a quarterly geo-analysis of Medicare Part D provider networks.

In order to ensure Part D sponsors meet the access standards set by CMS, NORC provides a number of analytical files to CMS based on a multi-step GIS-based assessment of each sponsor’s provider network. Each sponsor’s provider network is assigned coordinates using NORC’s state of the art geocoding software. Sponsor service areas are then linked to extant population density data to categorize them by urbanicity. Finally, the percent of beneficiaries within each sponsor’s service area that are within CMS’s access standards is calculated, along with several additional statistics, such as the average distance to a pharmacy. 

This analysis is conducted quarterly to monitor compliance and identify outliers throughout the year. Additionally, NORC undertakes a more detailed yearly analysis, in which we pinpoint areas of the U.S. that are underserved by any Part D sponsor and determine the most commonly spoken languages within each plan’s service area. 


NORC identifies Part D sponsors that are not serving the beneficiaries they’re paid to cover.

Quarterly, NORC provides CMS with a series of analytical files that identify which Part D sponsors are not compliant with CMS’s access standards. These files contain ZIP code level coverage estimates, so non-complaint sponsors are able to tell where in their service area beneficiaries are under covered. These files use multiple methods to measure urbanicity, so CMS can avoid any category errors resulting from misclassified geographies. 

NORC also reports overall trends in sponsor network and service area size, beneficiary access and preferred cost sharing availability, so CMS can stay attuned to fluctuations in coverage. All of these reporting metrics help CMS guarantee Part D sponsors make prescription drugs available to the beneficiaries they’re contracted to serve. 


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“Our project shows how geographic data processing can inform health care access for seniors.”

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“Our project shows how geographic data processing can inform health care access for seniors.”

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