Businesses, journalists, policymakers, and concerned citizens rely on a variety of economic measures, including monthly and quarterly reports on everything from small business credit and job creation to retail sales and GDP. NORC’s extensive economic expertise and the foundational data provided by our Survey of Consumer Finances, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, and other NORC studies provide context and nuance to conversations about the state of the national and global economy that more blunt measures often lack. NORC’s opinion research capacity is especially valuable, as what businesses and consumers think about the economy can have as much influence on spending, investment, and other economic activity as salaries, savings rates, and prices.
Economic Measures Experts
Dan Black
Senior Fellow -
Rich Dunville
Principal Research Scientist -
Robert M. Goerge
Senior Research Fellow -
Kristina McElheran
Senior Fellow -
Lauren E. Seward
Senior Research Director II -
Lauren E. Seward
Senior Research Director