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Studying transportation’s impact on health and well-being.

Access to safe, affordable, reliable, and convenient transportation plays an important role in peoples’ health. They rely on transportation to travel to their job, school, health care provider, childcare facility, grocery store, recreational activities, and other places. Limited access to transportation options can translate into limited access to the things that are important to a person’s health and well-being.

New transportation solutions—including autonomous vehicles, ride share services, and the use of mobile technology—are transforming the mobility landscape. Our transportation and health researchers are exploring the impact of these changes and policies, practices, and opportunities at the intersection of transportation and health. Our extensive expertise in this field includes:

  • An award-winning study that identified over 1,000 ride share services available to older adults in the U.S. and described the barriers and facilitators of older adults’ use of ride share services compared to younger adults. 

  • A mixed-methods project to identify evidence-based and effective campaigns in the traffic safety and public health fields, culminating in the Evidence-Based Behavior Change Campaigns to Improve Traffic Safety Toolkit for traffic safety practitioners. 

  • A study to identify optimal communication channels to reach at-risk road users and inform future traffic safety campaigns.

See more representative projects below.

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Transportation & Health Experts

Highlighted Projects

Effectiveness of State Alcohol Ignition Interlock Laws

Studying the effectiveness of state alcohol ignition interlock laws on impaired driving fatal crashes


Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Vehicle Crash Victims

First study of the prevalence of alcohol and drugs in seriously injured victims of motor vehicle crashes


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)