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NORC works to improve adult education policies and programs through technical assistance and capacity building.

Millions of American adults have low literacy or numeracy skills. However, most workers need a high school education or more to earn a livable wage. NORC partners with public, private, and nonprofit organizations to design, implement, assess, and improve programs and policies that provide education and training opportunities for low-skilled adults.

To plan for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title II – The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act implementation, NORC facilitated strategic meetings across federal government agencies and multiple federal contractors. NORC has also led over 20 national adult education initiatives for the Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), including multi-year priority investments such as the LINCS Resource Collection and Student Achievement in Reading (STAR) initiative. All these projects have included designing technical assistance systems to engage states in federally produced or curated professional development, training, communities of practice, and evidence-based resources. Through this work, NORC has developed a deep understanding of the federal adult education system, WIOA Title II, and the federal priorities guiding adult education grant recipients.

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Research Divisions

Adult Education Experts

Highlighted Projects

Survey of Education Attainment

Exploring the impact of both accredited and non-accredited training programs


ECMC Foundation

Advancing Metrics for Sexual Harassment Prevention in STEM

Developing metrics to assess sexual harassment prevention, outreach, and response in STEM


National Science Foundation

Varying Degrees: The State of Higher Education

Tracking changing opinions and trends about college education


New America

Wake Forest University Student Survey

Identifying key issues and concerns on the Wake Forest campus


Wake Forest University